Monday, June 14, 2010

Walk hand in hand with me....

Walk hand in hand with me, this is our destiny
No greater love could be, walk hand in hand
Walk with me

Be not afraid, for I am with you all the while
So lift your head up high and look up to the sky

Walk hand in hand with me, this is our destiny
No greater love could be, walk hand in hand
Walk with me


  1. wow! This one's lovely...reflects the essence, the love v well....the verse below is great too!

  2. Thanks Shweta :-)
    The verse is not mine's a song by "Andy Williams"

  3. very nice Neelam :)
    Just a thought.. I would have loved it even more if the couple were holding hands :)

  4. Thanks Nikhil. Well they are almost holding hands :P
    Actually I sketched before I thought of a caption :D
